Wednesday, May 28, 2014


Two statistical concepts that I have learned in the group assignment are descriptive statistic and probability distribution. From group assignment, I learn that descriptive statistics describe the main features of a collection of data quantitatively. One of the descriptive statistics called measures of central tendency. Three most frequently encountered indices of central tendency are the mode, the median, and the mean. From the group assignment, the mode is not established through calculation, it is determined by looking at a set of data and seeing which data occurs most frequently. Next, the median is that point in a distribution above and below which are 50% of the data; in other words, the median is the midpoint. Lastly, the mean is the average.  It is calculated by adding up all of the values and dividing that total by the number of data. Descriptive statistics are widely applied. A good example of a real life application is shown in education department. For example, universities used mean to calculate the average score by all students to estimate their grades.

Next, I learned random variable concept from probability distribution. A random variable is a variable whose value is determined by the outcome of a random experiment. Next, we can use random variable concept in real life. For example, we can see the concept been applied in people playing board games. If you are using a game spinner with four sections – red, blue, green and yellow – you have a 25 percent chance of landing on red, since one of the four sections is red. What are the odds that you’re going to roll one die and get an even number? You have a 50 percent chance, since three of the six numbers on a die are even.

My experience is fun and challenging when doing group assignment with my team members because our group assignment is challenging and tricky.  First of all, we have a small discussion about the assignment during the first semester break and discuss about the questions. Then, each of us is assign with several questions. Although it seems like one person is doing one question, but we did check others answers again so that will be no mistake. I learned many things from doing group assignment. We learned to use Excel in many ways such as using data analysis to create summary output of a data. Hence, I gain knowledge from my experience of doing group assignment and the importance of teamwork. The video below clearly show the importance of teamwork.

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